The Only mobile ligthwallet built with Ξthereum community in mind!
LΞTH (Ligth Ξthereum Mobile Wallet) is the first hybrid mobile app to manage an Ethereum wallet built using Ionic framework with the aim to serve the open community.
Thanks to the great job of library of ConsenSys (eth-lightwallet), the app could manage the key-pairs securely on smartphone side without send any password out of the wallet. Every transaction could be signed directly with the smartphone and sent to an ethereum node public/private.
With LETH you could:
- Create a HD ligthwallet
- Manage an Ethereum wallet address
- Set host node address private/test/public
- Send / Receive ETH
- Send / Receive TOKENS
- List your transactions
- Share Address via SMS, Email or Whisper v5 (Shh)
- Share your geolocation
- Request payments via SMS, Email or Whisper (Shh)
- Send messages / images to friends and community using Whisper protocol in unpersisted chat
- Send private unpersisted crypted messages to friends
- Backup / Restore wallet using Mnemonic passphrase
- Protect access with TouchID / PIN code
- Currency convertion value via Kraken API
- Add Custom Token and Share it with friends
- Run DAppLeth (Decentralized external dapps embedded at runtime)
Become a BETA tester, install the App and help the community to grow up. Visit Inzhoop website Contact to Gitter
Install some stuff lke Node.js and npm
Install ionic and cordova
sudo npm install -g cordova ionic
Clone the project
git clone
Test on browser in localhost:8100
ionic serve