Note that some tasks may deliberately ask you to look at concepts or libraries that we have not yet discussed in detail. But if you are in doubt about the scope of a task, by all means ask.
Please try to write high-quality code at all times! This means in particular that you should add comments to all parts that are not immediately obvious. Please also pay attention to stylistic issues. The goal is always to submit code that does not just correctly do what was asked for, but also could be committed without further changes to an imaginary company codebase.
In this exercise, we want to explore some non-standard prisms.
Define a prism
_Natural :: Prism' Integer Natural
(You can find the Natural
type of arbitrary-precision natural numbers in module
in the base libraries.)
preview _Natural 42 -- Just 42
preview _Natural (-7) -- Nothing
Define a function of type
_TheOne :: Eq a => a -> Prism' a ()
Given an a
, the resulting prism's focus should be the given element:
preview (_TheOne 'x') 'x' -- Just ()
preview (_TheOne 'x') 'y' -- Nothing
review (_TheOne 'x') () -- 'x'
Let's define the following wrapper type:
newtype Checked a = Checked { unChecked :: a } deriving Show
Define a function
_Check :: (a -> Bool) -> Prism' a (Checked a)
The idea is that the prism finds only elements that fulfill
the given predicate.
(This will only be a law-abiding prism if we agree to never put an a
the Checked
-wrapper which does not satisfy the predicate.)
preview (_Check odd) 42 -- Nothing
preview (_Check odd) 17 -- Just (Checked {unChecked = 17})
review (_Check odd) (Checked 3) -- 3
Consider the following tree type:
data BinTree a = Tip | Bin (BinTree a) a (BinTree a) deriving Show
Define three traversals
inorder, preorder, postorder :: Traversal (BinTree a) (BinTree b) a b
which traverse the nodes in inorder (left, value, right), preorder (value, left, right) and postorder (left, right, value), respectively.
Define two functions
printNodes :: Show a => Traversal' (BinTree a) a
-> BinTree a -> IO ()
labelNodes :: Traversal (BinTree a) (BinTree (a, Int)) a (a, Int)
-> BinTree a -> BinTree (a, Int)
Given a traversal, printNodes
should print all values stored in the tree
in order of the traversal, whereas labelNodes
should label all nodes,
starting at 1, again in the order of the given traversal.
The type constructor Delayed
can be used to describe possibly non-terminating
computations in such a way that they remain "productive", i.e., that they produce
some amount of progress information after a finite amount of time.
data Delayed a = Now a | Later (Delayed a)
We can now describe a productive infinite loop as follows:
loop :: Delayed a
loop = Later loop
This is productive in the sense that we can always inspect more of the result,
and get more and more invocations of Later
We can also use Later
in other computations as a measure of cost or effort.
For example, here is a version of the factorial function in the Delayed
factorial :: Int -> Delayed Int
factorial = go 1
go !acc n
| n <= 0 = Now acc
| otherwise = Later (go (n * acc) (n - 1))
We can extract a result from a Delayed
computation by traversing it all the
way down until we hit a Now
, at the risk of looping if there never is one:
unsafeRunDelayed :: Delayed a -> a
unsafeRunDelayed (Now x) = x
unsafeRunDelayed (Later d) = unsafeRunDelayed d
Define a function
runDelayed :: Int -> Delayed a -> Maybe a
that extracts a result from a delayed computation if it is guarded
by at most the given number of Later
constructors, and Nothing
The type Delayed
forms a monad, where return
is Now
, and >>=
the number of Later
constructors that the left and the right argument are
guarded by.
Define the Functor
, Applicative
, and Monad
instances for Delayed
Assume we have
tick :: Delayed ()
tick = Later (Now ())
psum :: [Int] -> Delayed Int
psum xs = sum <$> mapM (\ x -> tick >> return x) xs
Describe what psum
The type Delayed
is actually a free monad. Define the functor DelayedF
such that Free DelayedF
is isomorphic to Delayed
, and provide the witnesses
of the isomorphism:
fromDelayed :: Delayed a -> Free DelayedF a
toDelayed :: Free DelayedF a -> Delayed a
We can also provide an instance of Alternative
instance Alternative Delayed where
empty = loop
(<|>) = merge
merge :: Delayed a -> Delayed a -> Delayed a
merge (Now x) _ = Now x
merge _ (Now x) = Now x
merge (Later p) (Later q) = Later (merge p q)
Define a function
firstSum :: [[Int]] -> Delayed Int
that performs psum
on each of the integer lists and returns the result that
can be obtained with as few delays as possible.
runDelayed 100 $
firstSum [repeat 1, [1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7,8], cycle [5,6]]
should return Just 9
Unfortunately, firstSum
will not work on infinite (outer) lists and
runDelayed 200 $
firstSum $
cycle [repeat 1, [1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7,8], cycle [5,6]]
will loop.
The problem is that merge
schedules each of the alternatives in a fair way.
When using merge
on an infinite list, all computations are evaluated one step
before the first Later
is produced. Define
biasedMerge :: Delayed a -> Delayed a -> Delayed a
that works on infinite outer lists by running earlier lists slightly sooner than later lists. Write
biasedFirstSum :: [[Int]] -> Delayed Int
which is firstSum
in terms of biasedMerge
. Note that biasedFirstSum
not necessarily always find the shortest computation due to its biased nature,
but it should work on the infinite outer list example above and also in
runDelayed 200 $
biasedFirstSum $
replicate 100 (repeat 1) ++ [[1]] ++ repeat (repeat 1)
to return Just 1
Implement the following functions operating on traversals. This is quite tricky, but if you manage it, you have really understood traversals!
heading :: Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s a
tailing :: Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s a
taking :: Int -> Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s a
dropping :: Int -> Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s a
filtering :: (a -> Bool) -> Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s a
element :: Int -> Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s a
In case the names are not suggestive enough -- here are the expected result when using the various transformations:
set (heading each) "Kenya" 'x' -- "xenya"
set (tailing each) "Kenya" 'x' -- "Kxxxx"
set (taking 3 each) "Kenya" 'x' -- "xxxya"
set (dropping 3 each) "Kenya" 'x' -- "Kenxx"
set (filtering (< 'd') each) "Ulaanbaatar" 'x' -- "xlxxnxxxtxr"
set (element 1 each) "Ulaanbaatar" 'x' -- "Uxaanbaatar"
Helper functions with the following signatures might be useful:
trans1 :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> (a -> Compose (State Bool) f a)
trans2 :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> (a -> Compose (State Int) f a)
trans3 :: Applicative f => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> f a) -> (a -> f a)