This is a flutter app created for InTech'21. It's a robust platform that can be used by NASA to register applicants for the first flight to mars - for tourism. It uses Firebase Auhtentication to register users with their email and password. It also sends their detials to a firestore collection with user data like Name, Age, Country and Passport ID. It has an admin panel which is accessible only by admins who need to verify themselves using an OTP which is sent to their phone. The Admin Panel shows all details of all users. The app is secure and the admins have no way to access the password of a particular user.
To run the app on your physical device/emulator -
Fork it (optional)
Clone it -
git clone
gh repo clone ion05/flight_to_mars
Navigate to its directory -
cd flight_to_mars
Install all packages
flutter pub get
Run it
flutter run
To access the admin Panel, only the numbers of the following indivuals are valid
- Aayan Agarwal
- Oorjit Chowdhary