Code running on
The easiest way to set up the project (at least for now) is to use Eclipse. I plan on adding Maven so everything can be built from the command line, but for now, Eclipse remains easiest.
Download and install (unpack) Eclipse.
Download GWT 2.5+. The easiest way to do this is to follow these instructions on how to install the Google Eclipse Plugin.
- Note your eclipse version (e.g. Juno is 4.2), and use as opposed to 3.7 on the Google plugin link.
- You don't need to install everything available in the list. "Google Plugin for Eclipse" and SDKs -> Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.5.0 are enough.
Go to the package explorer. Right click -> Import -> Existing project -> select the bookspicker main directory. Import.
You may (or may not see) a build error that reads:
The GWT SDK JAR gwt-servlet.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /BooksPicker 2.0/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google Web Toolkit Problem
To remove that error, you must "trigger" a copying of the jar into the WEB-INF/lib dir. An easy way to do this is to go to Eclipse -> Preferences -> Google. Look at the settings, and click Apply. No need to change any of them. After exiting the Preferences dialog, Eclipse should trigger some GWT SDK command that auto-copies the desired jar into the right directory. Horrible hacky solution? Yes. But it's the easiest workaround I've found so far (if you want, search on google for a solution... they all suck :-/ ).
You're done.
To restart the tomcat server on rackspace:
$ ssh -p 226 <username>
$ cd /usr/local/tomcat
$ sudo ./bin/