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ipro-dave edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 35 revisions

Request Url: /apis/bookings?size=15&index=1&term=&bookingstatus=3&propertyids=&repid=&balancestatus=&taskstatus=-1&orderDateFrom=&orderDateTo=&checkinfrom=&checkinto=&IncludeBookingTags=&LocationId=&ExcludeBookingTags=&Sort=CreateDate&SortDirection=desc&modifiedTimeFrom=2015-12-05&modifiedTimeTo=2016-12-05&BrandID=1

  • Sort can be CreateDate,CheckIn.

  • SortDirection can be asc,desc.

  • BookingStatus

  • BrandID

  • 3 Booking
  • 4 Cancelled
  • contactIDs Search by single contact or multiple contacts
  • orderDateFrom & orderDateTo Search based on order date of the booking
  • checkinfrom & checkinto Search based on check in date
  • LocationId Filter bookings by location
  • IncludeBookingTags Include bookings that have been tagged with x
  • ExcludeBookingTags Exclube bookings that have been tagged with x
  • modifiedTimeFrom & modifiedTimeTo Monitor booking changes to update in real time
  • bookingID : You can search by &bookingID=1234 to bring back an exact bookingID


    "TotalHits": 1,
    "Items": [
            "BookingId": 3707,
            "ExternalReservationID": null,
            "PropertyId": 10132,
            "OrderTime": "2017-08-18T05:45:00.9230000Z",
            "ModifiedTime": "2018-05-11T08:48:22.8070000Z",
            "CheckIn": "2018-07-28",
            "CheckOut": "2018-08-06",
            "Country": "United Kingdom",
            "Currency": "£",
            "RenterAmount": 990.00,
            "BookingFee": 25.00,
            "BookingFeeVAT": 4.17,
            "HolidayExtras": 0.00,
            "InsuranceTotal": 0.0,
            "AgentCommission": 0.0,
            "Discount": 0.0,
            "PaymentCharges": 0.00,
            "Compensation": 0.00,
            "RenterBalance": 1015.00,
            "Commission": 178.19,
            "CommissionVAT": 35.64,
            "SecurityDeposit": 500.00,
            "RenterTotal": 1015.00,
            "PropertyTypes": [
            "RatePerDay": 112.78,
            "Status": "Cancelled",
            "Source": "Airbnb",
            "BrandId": 1,
            "BrandName": "iPro Holidays",
            "BookingTags": [
                    "Id": 10,
                    "Name": "Imported"
                    "Id": 11,
                    "Name": "New Customer"
                    "Id": 15,
                    "Name": "Provisional"
                    "Id": 18,
                    "Name": "Couple"
                    "Id": 20,
                    "Name": "Bedroom 1"
                    "Id": 30,
                    "Name": "Lead Time 181 - 365 Days"
                    "Id": 40,
                    "Name": "Guest Checked Out"
                    "Id": 48,
                    "Name": "ID Collected"
            "ContactID": 4741,
            "CustomerName": "Georgia Hollings",
            "Adults": 2,
            "Children": 0,
            "Infants": 0,
            "Pets": 0,
            "BookingStatusId": 4,
            "Guests": [
                    "Name": "Georgia Hollings",
                    "Age": null,
                    "Passport": null,
                    "Email": "",
                    "Mobile": "07815990567"
            "HolidayExtrasOrdered": [
                    "Name": "Booking Fee",
                    "Qty": 1,
                    "Price": 50.00,
                    "ExtraNetPrice": 0.00,
                    "PayableToOwner": false,
                    "CompulsoryCharge": true,
                    "PayableOnOrder": true,
                    "InListPrice": false,
                    "Visible": true,
                    "Taxable": false
            "TransactionID": "669931e7-0b69-4da5-a507-817f9fc18687",
            "Deposit": 330.00,
            "DepositDueDate": "18/08/2017",
            "Balance": 660.00,
            "BalanceDueDate": "16/06/2018",
            "GuestNotes": "",
            "HouseKeeperNotes": "",
            "InternalNotes": "9 nights",
            "PaymentSchedules": [
                    "ID": 18405,
                    "Name": "Owner Deposit",
                    "Amount": 116.16,
                    "Balance": 116.16,
                    "DueDate": "2017-08-18 06:45:00",
                    "PaidTime": "",
                    "PayTo": 1,
                    "Status": 1,
                    "PaymentCategory": 1,
                    "PaymentType": 1,
                    "PaymentID": ""
                    "ID": 18404,
                    "Name": "Rental Deposit",
                    "Amount": 330.00,
                    "Balance": 330.00,
                    "DueDate": "2017-08-18 06:45:00",
                    "PaidTime": "",
                    "PayTo": 0,
                    "Status": 1,
                    "PaymentCategory": 1,
                    "PaymentType": 2,
                    "PaymentID": ""
                    "ID": 18407,
                    "Name": "Owner Balance",
                    "Amount": 660.00,
                    "Balance": 660.00,
                    "DueDate": "2018-06-16 00:00:00",
                    "PaidTime": "",
                    "PayTo": 1,
                    "Status": 1,
                    "PaymentCategory": 2,
                    "PaymentType": 1,
                    "PaymentID": ""
                    "ID": 18406,
                    "Name": "Rental Balance",
                    "Amount": 660.00,
                    "Balance": 660.00,
                    "DueDate": "2018-06-16 00:00:00",
                    "PaidTime": "",
                    "PayTo": 0,
                    "Status": 1,
                    "PaymentCategory": 2,
                    "PaymentType": 2,
                    "PaymentID": ""
                    "ID": 18403,
                    "Name": "Rental Security Deposit",
                    "Amount": 500.00,
                    "Balance": 500.00,
                    "DueDate": "2018-06-16 00:00:00",
                    "PaidTime": "",
                    "PayTo": 0,
                    "Status": 1,
                    "PaymentCategory": 2,
                    "PaymentType": 3,
                    "PaymentID": ""
                    "ID": 18402,
                    "Name": "Rental Booking Fee",
                    "Amount": 25.00,
                    "Balance": 25.00,
                    "DueDate": "2017-08-18 06:45:00",
                    "PaidTime": "",
                    "PayTo": 0,
                    "Status": 1,
                    "PaymentCategory": 11,
                    "PaymentType": 2,
                    "PaymentID": ""
            "Payments": [],
            "BrandId": null,
            "HolidayNotes": null,
            "ArrivalNotes": "",
            "DepartureNotes": "",
            "RepContactId": 68,
            "RepContact": "Hello Ipro",
            "Contact": {
                "ContactId": 4741,
                "Title": "",
                "FirstName": "Georgia",
                "LastName": "Hollings",
                "Email": "",
                "Email1": "",
                "Telephone": "07815882319",
                "Mobile": "07815990567",
                "Address1": "4 Rowan House",
                "Address2": "Sheldon Corner",
                "City": "Chippenham",
                "County": "Wiltshire",
                "Postcode": "SN14 0SQ",
                "Country": "United Kingdom",
                "SourceId": null,
                "Source": null
            "Properties": [
                    "PropertyId": 10132,
                    "CheckInDate": "28/07/2018",
                    "CheckOutDate": "06/08/2018",
                    "CheckInTime": "16:00",
                    "CheckOutTime": "10:00",
                    "Adults": 2,
                    "Children": 0,
                    "Infants": 0,
                    "Notes": "",
                    "HouseKeeperNotes": "",
                    "Discount": 0.00,
                    "Commission": 178.19,
                    "CommissionVAT": 35.64,
                    "SecurityDeposit": 500.00,
                    "SecurityInsurance": 0.00,
                    "RenterAmount": 990.00,
                    "RenterExtras": 0.00,
                    "RenterTotal": 990.00,
                    "RenterBalance": 1015.00,
                    "OwnerAmount": 811.80,
                    "OwnerExtras": 0.00,
                    "OwnerTotal": 776.16,
                    "OwnerBalance": 776.16,
                    "BalanceDueDate": ""
            "Bills": [
                    "ID": 56,
                    "Supplier": "5898",
                    "IssuedDate": "03/08/2021",
                    "BillType": "Miscellaneous",
                    "Description": "This is the bill description.",
                    "PropertyID": 12550,
                    "NetCost": 50.0000,
                    "Amount": 75.0000,
                    "Commission": 25.0000,
                    "Tax": 15.00000000

If you wish to use the secure payment pages built into iPro you can use the TransactionID to build a URL i.e.

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