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SergiuszPi edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 6 revisions

Request Url: /apis/booking/update?BookingId={BookingId}

  • BookingId is the booking id of the booking you want to update. It is an integer.

  • Method POST

  • Content-Type application/json

  • Payload

  1. Specify "Guest Notes" in request payload to update existing booking (Guest Notes field)
  2. Specify "House Keeper Notes" in request payload to update existing booking (House keeper notes field)
  3. Specify "Internal Notes" in request payload to update existing booking (Private Internal Notes field)
  "GuestNotes": "guest notes",
  "HouseKeeperNotes": "house keeper notes",
  "InternalNotes": "internal notes"


  Status Code: 200
  "Booking has been updated"
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