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Rulee Chen edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 8 revisions


  • Url /apis/vouchers

  • Method POST

  • Content-Type application/json

  • Payload

  "VoucherCode": "HRLH001",
  "VoucherValue": 100,
  "TypeOfDiscount": 1,
  "TypeOfDeduction": 1,
  "ValidFor": 1,
  "MinimumNights": 7,
  "ValidFrom": "2019-09-12",
  "ValidTo": "2019-12-31",
  "PropertyIds": [8849, 8850],
  "ContactId": 68,
  "DisableAddUp": false,
  "ExpireOnBooked": true,
  "Status": 1,
  "Notes": "General discount to use on quotes",
  • "TypeOfDiscount" required
    0 - Fixed Value
    1 - Percentage
  • "TypeOfDeduction" required
    0 - Discount not deducted
    1 - Discount deducted from commission
    2 - Discount deducted from the owner amount
    3 - Discount split between owner and commission 50/50
    4 - Commission Based on Net Price
    5 - Voucher Added As Payment
  • "ValidFor" optional
    0-Booked Between (default value)
    1-Holiday Dates
  • "Status" optional
    0-Empty (default value)


  • Content-Type application/json

  • Payload

  "Success": true,
  "Message": "Voucher Updated Successfully",
  "CreatedNew": false
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