The "titanic_source_code" folder contains the scouce codes to implement the data preprocessing, feature creating, training and Gradio Application creating of the titanic dataset.
The "iris_source_code"folder contains the scouce codes to implement the feature creating, training and Gradio Application creating of the iris dataset.
The "titanic_uis" folder contains the URLs of an interactive UI and a dashboard UI of titanic prediction task.
The "iris_uis" folder contains the URLs of an interactive UI and a dashboard UI of iris flower classfication task.
We only pick seven features to train the model. They are "Title", "Sex", "Pclass", "Embarked", "Fare", "Age" and "IsAlone", where "IsAlone" is a feature created by combining the "SibSp", "Parch" and "Family Size" features. So we drop the "Ticket", "Cabin", "Name" and "Passenger ID" features
- Filling the blanks in the "Embarked" column.
- Mapping the categorical features such as "embarked", "title" and "sex" in the original titanic dataset to the numbers.
- Classifying the "fare" and "age" features to different bands and using one distinct number to encode one band.
- Substituting the "SibSp", "Parch" and "Family Size" features to one feature which is a combination of them called "IsAlone" and use 0 and 1 to encode this new feature.