Another webpack starter for reveal.js
Clone this proyect (delete .git folder, and push to your own remote), then change the ./content directory:
Edit config.json
Add slides and index them on config.json (glob patterns supported!)
Add your media files to be added on the bundle: use assets folder, and use relative URLs from there.
Edit your custom css on content/css/index.scss.
Supported plugins:
- google analitycs
- search
- zoom
- menu
- notes
- highlightjs
- ga
service workers are supported with workbox.
"title": "🦄 Irontec reveal.js - webpack starter demo 🦄",
"options": {
"controls": true,
"progress": true,
"history": true,
"center": true,
"slideNumber": false,
"touch": true,
"hideAddressBar": true,
"mouseWheel": true
"serviceWorker": true,
"plugins": {
"search": true,
"zoom": true,
"menu": true,
"notes": true,
"highlightjs": true,
"slides": [
{"path": "", "attrs": {"class":"intro"}},
npm start
Will open a dev-server on http://localhost:8080
If changes are made on config.json dev server must be restarted.
npm run build
Will create a build on ./dist/.
There is a sample .gitlab-ci.yaml.sample file to be used as a template for gitlab pipelines.
There is a npm script ready for publishing on github's pages:
npm run deploy:gh
- npm init command
- generate a SEO friendly dist (parse md on build time
Antes de ejecutar "npm install":
- npm set registry
- npm adduser --registry