This is the ResCap repository for software, raw data tables and data bases.
Repository structure:
- db Folder with the databases used for the analysis (bowtie2 index format).
- argannot (ARG-Annot: Antibiotic Resistance Database)
- bacmet (BACMET: Biocide & Metal Resistance Database)
- relax_trim (ConjDB: Relaxases database)
- data Folder with the raw data tables and other results
- AlleleNetwork.cys (Allele Network in Cytoscape format)
- AssembliesData.tsv (Tabular data table with the assemblies summary)
- BacMetFunctionallData.tsv (Tabular data table with the functional annotation of MGC)
- BlastnResultsAgainstResCapDB.tsv.gz (Blast results of the ORF of metagenomic assemblies)
- BlastpResultsAgainstUniProtKB.tsv.gz (Blast results of the ORF of metagenomic assemblies)
- DiffAnalysisMSS.tsv (Differential analysis from DESeq2 for MSS samples)
- DiffAnalysisRescap.tsv (Differential analysis from DESeq2 for ResCap samples)
- FullDataTable.tsv (All samples data table in tidy format)