This app presents the user with a grid of four different oscillating squares (8, 10, 12, and 15Hz). SSVEP signals are then read from the user using EEG (Interaxon Muse). The strongest SSVEP at one of the provided four frequencies is converted to a note in the pentatonic scale that is streamed to the user. This music can be played over top of a backing track that is played on the front end of our app.
Isaiah Ballah, Cayden Pierce, Liam Bilbie
Muse LSL Library: Alexandre Barachant, Dano Morrison, Hubert Banville, Jason Kowaleski, Uri Shaked, Sylvain Chevallier, & Juan Jesús Torre Tresols. (2019, May 25). muse-lsl (Version v2.0.2). Zenodo.