- Events outline of all the possible events that might update the state
- State describes the current state of the application
- Actions outline all the possible async operations that might occur
- Pure function that takes an
and aState
- Mutates the
based on the given event - Outputs the new state along with any async actions that need to be done
- Wraps all of the above into a system in which you can manipluate a state and subscribe to any updates
- Retains the Coordinator
- Subscribes to State Changes
- Maps state changes to local properties
.map { "Generation #\($0)"}
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.assign(to: \GameOfLifeViewModel.generationString, on: self)
.store(in: &subscriptions)
- Retains the ViewModel
- Send UI Events to the coordinator by way of the VM
- Subscribes to the view model's display friendly properties
extension Publisher where Output: State, Failure == Never {
/// Checks duplicates on the value of the keypath and returns a new publisher
public func new<T: Equatable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Self.Output, T>) -> AnyPublisher<T, Never> {
/// Checks for duplicates on the value of an array at keypath and returns a stream of publishers.
public func enumerate<T, E>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Self.Output, T>)
-> AnyPublisher<(offset: Int, element: E), Never>
where T: Collection, T: Equatable, E == T.Element
.flatMap { $0.enumerated().publisher }