This is a simple web application to save all your progress from reading a book and keep you on track, so you can easily capture your progress
i created this app for accomplish my task from Dicoding
- creating an app for book shelf with system CRUD from localStorage web
- the app must have to shelves, one for a book for completed read and the other for book not complete reading yet
BTW This app got 5 star of 5 from Dicoding Reviewers and you can find my certificate here
This app just using Vanilla JavaScript without any library/framework cause i wouldn't allowed to use it since this is course for a beginner and the reviewers just want to see whether the student know how to manipulate the DOM, and like so for the style just pure CSS3
- CRUD Item Book
- Searching with any type filter existed
- Loading Screen
- Responsive Web
- smile 😀
- give a star 🌟
- click live web down here 🔽