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EyeMovement Object Documentation

David Brainard edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 2 revisions


  • This object generates sequences of eye positions, so that it is possible to create time varying sequences of cone isomerizations as a scene is viewed.
  • This object has the feature that it isn't part of the visual hierarchy the way our other objects are. Rather, it is an object that can be used to drive the input to the other objects. As such, I am not quite sure where it should be in the computational structure.
  • Currently, we have a function called coneAbsorptions which invokes the EyeMovement object to produce a time-varying series of isomerizations. This might be the right thing to do, or it might not.


Action items

  • Think through how we want the EyeMovement object to interact with other parts of the computations.

Relevant tutorials/validations

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