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Trisha Lian edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 38 revisions

This wiki is written to help you get started. We recommend going through the pages under the Getting Started bullet point to begin learning how to use the toolbox. In particular, the General Methods link has a list of organized tutorials that gradually introduce you to the main functions of ISETBio. The rest of the sidebar has more information on main objects and methods. Each page has words and code snippets showing how the objects are set up and the methods are applied. The pages in the sidebar are introductory. At the top of each of those pages you will also find links to pages with more detailed examples.

For more code illustrating the ideas see the scripts in the tutorial directory. Scripts with Introduction in the file name illustrate basic operations; these are intended to help you learn the coding concepts and how to write your own ISETBIO scripts. There are additional tutorial scripts that offer guidance on more advanced calculations.

If you have suggestions about tutorials you would like to see - or that you would like to contribute - please let us know.

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