- Fork this repository and you are good to go.
- Mobile Web
- Open the web application in your browser (latest Chrome versions recommended).
- Make sure to have WebXR support in your device.
- Follow the hamburger
icon. - Use VR to navigate to the home page.
- Use Start Session to navigate to the VR Sessions page.
- Use Recommended Music to navigate to the Music Recommendation System.
- Use Music Playlist App to navigate to the Music Playlists.
- Use GGSC Stress Quiz to navigate to the GGSC Anxiety & Stress Quiz (Greater Good Science Center).
- Use Contact to navigate to the Ish Kapoor's LinkedIn profile.
- Desktop Web
- Open the web application in your browser (latest Chrome versions recommended).
- Make sure to have WebXR extension in your device.
- Use VR to navigate to the home page.
- Use Start Session to navigate to the VR Sessions page.
- Use Recommended Music to navigate to the Music Recommendation System.
- Use Music Playlist App to navigate to the Music Playlists.
- Use GGSC Stress Quiz to navigate to the GGSC Anxiety & Stress Quiz (Greater Good Science Center).
- Use Contact to navigate to the Ish Kapoor's LinkedIn profile.
- Android / iOS App [Available soon on PlayStore & AppStore]
- Open the Android / iOS application in your mobile phone / tablet (should have latest Chrome version, WebXR installed).
- Use HOME to navigate to the home page.
- Use VR Sessions to navigate to the VR Sessions page.
- Use Music Player to navigate to the Music Player page.
- Use About to navigate to the About page to contact me.
Project Structure
| output.doc
| print.txt
| | index.html
| | script.js
| | style.css
| |
| +---audio
| | nature.mp3
| |
| +---js
| | GLTFLoader.js
| |
| +---model
| | \---floating_tree
| | | scene.bin
| | | scene.gltf
| | |
| | \---textures
| | gras_and_veg_baseColor.png
| | stones_baseColor.jpeg
| | swing_baseColor.jpeg
| | tree_baseColor.jpeg
| |
| \---skybox
| bk.jpg
| dn.jpg
| ft.jpg
| lf.jpg
| rt.jpg
| up.jpg
| | index.html
| |
| \---assets
| +---css
| | loader.css
| | styles.css
| |
| +---img
| | 1.png
| | 2.png
| | 3.png
| | 4.png
| | 5.png
| | img6.png
| |
| \---js
| main.js
| Airstream - Rejected.mp3
| Beauty of Nature 8K Ultra HDR waterfalls (HD surround sound).mp3
| Deep Sleep Flute(The Mystic Night).mp3
| Deep Sleep in 10 Minutes.Sleep Music. Relaxing Music.Peaceful Music. Sivananda Yoga, Kapalbhati.mp3
| Enya_-_Watermark_Qoret.com.mp3
| forest.mpeg
| high_waterfall.mp3
| nature.mpeg
| piano.mpeg
| simple_waterfall.mpeg
| waterfall.mpeg
| index.html
| style.css
| | index.html
| | script.js
| | space.mp3
| | style.css
| |
| +---js
| | GLTFLoader.js
| |
| +---need_some_space
| | scene.bin
| | scene.gltf
| |
| \---skybox
| kenon_star_bk.jpg
| kenon_star_dn.jpg
| kenon_star_ft.jpg
| kenon_star_lf.jpg
| kenon_star_rt.jpg
| kenon_star_up.jpg
| index.html
| style.css
| | index.html
| | script.js
| | style.css
| |
| +---audio
| | focused.mp3
| |
| +---calm
| | | scene.bin
| | | scene.gltf
| | |
| | \---textures
| | Agua_baseColor.jpg
| | Fachada_1_baseColor.png
| | Fachada_2_baseColor.png
| | Pirene_Multi_Texture_Cyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TXCyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TX_Material_u1_v1_baseColor.jpg
| | Pirene_Multi_Texture_Cyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TXCyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TX_Material_u2_v1_baseColor.jpg
| |
| +---js
| | GLTFLoader.js
| |
| \---penguins (45)
| bk.jpg
| dn.jpg
| ft.jpg
| lf.jpg
| rt.jpg
| up.jpg
| | calm.mp3
| | index.html
| | script.js
| | style.css
| |
| +---audio
| | focused.mp3
| | piano.mp3
| |
| +---calm
| | | scene.bin
| | | scene.gltf
| | |
| | \---textures
| | Agua_baseColor.jpg
| | Fachada_1_baseColor.png
| | Fachada_2_baseColor.png
| | Pirene_Multi_Texture_Cyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TXCyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TX_Material_u1_v1_baseColor.jpg
| | Pirene_Multi_Texture_Cyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TXCyark_Corinth_Seccion_Full_TX_Material_u2_v1_baseColor.jpg
| |
| +---floating_tree
| | | scene.bin
| | | scene.gltf
| | |
| | \---textures
| | gras_and_veg_baseColor.png
| | stones_baseColor.jpeg
| | swing_baseColor.jpeg
| | tree_baseColor.jpeg
| |
| +---js
| | GLTFLoader.js
| |
| +---penguins (16)
| | bk.jpg
| | dn.jpg
| | ft.jpg
| | lf.jpg
| | rt.jpg
| | up.jpg
| |
| +---penguins (24)
| | bk.jpg
| | dn.jpg
| | ft.jpg
| | lf.jpg
| | rt.jpg
| | up.jpg
| |
| +---penguins (45)
| | bk.jpg
| | dn.jpg
| | ft.jpg
| | lf.jpg
| | rt.jpg
| | up.jpg
| |
| +---skybox
| | bk.jpg
| | dn.jpg
| | ft.jpg
| | lf.jpg
| | rt.jpg
| | up.jpg
| |
| +---Temple
| | | scene.bin
| | | scene.gltf
| | |
| | \---textures
| | default_baseColor.png
| | default_metallicRoughness.png
| | default_normal.png
| |
| \---Tree
| | scene.bin
| | scene.gltf
| |
| \---textures
| bottom_baseColor.jpeg
| bottom_metallicRoughness.png
| bottom_normal.png
| branch_baseColor.jpeg
| branch_metallicRoughness.png
| branch_normal.png
| leaves_baseColor.png
| leaves_metallicRoughness.png
| leaves_normal.png
| | index.html
| | script.js
| | style.css
| |
| +---audio
| | piano.mp3
| |
| +---js
| | GLTFLoader.js
| |
| +---penguins (24)
| | bk.jpg
| | dn.jpg
| | ft.jpg
| | lf.jpg
| | rt.jpg
| | up.jpg
| |
| \---Tree
| | scene.bin
| | scene.gltf
| |
| \---textures
| bottom_baseColor.jpeg
| bottom_metallicRoughness.png
| bottom_normal.png
| branch_baseColor.jpeg
| branch_metallicRoughness.png
| branch_normal.png
| leaves_baseColor.png
| leaves_metallicRoughness.png
| leaves_normal.png
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Wrtite a good, understandable and simple pull request.
- Submit your pull request :D