Title: Algorithmic Compositions Date: 2013-12-29 17:42 Author: isis agora lovecruft Category: hacking Tags: python, bytebeats, twitter
UPDATED: 23 June, 2014 (originally published on 5 April, 2013)
For a long time, I couldn't figure out what Twitter was for. I'm not sure I've figured that out yet. It seems convenient for posting links to the physics and cryptography whitepapers I read, and then receiving the internet standard -- inane feedback from people I've never even heard of.
At one point, because I couldn't figure out what to do with Twitter, I decided to release a bytebeat album through tweets. I've seen people tweet links to their new songs or albums or whatever -- that's lame.
So I started creating algorithmic compositions in less than 140 characters in python. The album, fuck_your_bits (hashtag='#fyb'), is about half done, but my friends Moxie and Emblem pointed out that not only would the search function for hashtags on twitter index only the songs in my album from the past three weeks, but also that tweets in my timeline were dropped from public view after a certain number of months, depending on some indeterminable number of other algorithms that calculated "tweet popularity".
Because people have been asking for the full album, here it is. I'll still keep tweeting it though, because the only other useful thing I can think of that impressively fits in less than 140 bytes is shellcode.
python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr((~t&t>>3^(((t>>((t>>11)%7+6))%15)*t))%256))for t in xrange(2**19)]'|aplay python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr(((~t>>2)*(2+(42&t*((7&t>>10)*2))<(24&t*((3&t>>14)+2))))%256))for t in xrange(2**18)]'|aplay python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr((((t*5&t>>7|t*9&t>>4|t*18&t/1024)|((t|7)>>5|(t|4)>>9)))%256))for t in xrange(2**18)]'|aplay python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr(((~t>>2)*((127&t*(7&t>>9))<(245&t*(4-(7&t>>13)))))%256))for t in xrange(2**20)]'|aplay -c 2 -r4444 python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr((~t>>5>>(127&t*9&~t>>7<42&t*23^5&~t>>13)+3)%256))for t in xrange(2**18)]'|aplay -c2 -r2222 python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr((((t>>(2|4)&((t%0x7369)|4|11|5))+(7|4|42)&t))%256))for t in xrange(2**18)]'|aplay -c2 -r4444 python -c'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr((((t*(t>>13|t>>8)|(t>>16)-t)-64))%256))for t in xrange(2**18)]'|aplay -r4444 python -c"import sys;[sys.stdout.write(chr(((0x7BB3+t>>11|(t>>(2|5)^(1515|42))|~t)|(2*t)>>6)%256))for t in xrange(2**20)]"|aplay -c2 x="if(t%2)else";python3 -c"[print(t>>15&(t>>(2$x 4))%(3+(t>>(8$x 11))%4)+(t>>10)|42&t>>7&t<<9,end='')for t in range(2**20)]"|aplay -c2 -r4