I'm Joaquín, a curious and keen person that loves technology, science and every small improvement in our tiny blue dot called World! 🌎
- 💻 FullStack Developer, currently working in Globant 🇦🇷.
- 💹 Very interested in the business and finance world 💰.
- 🧪 Science and racional thinking soul, especially an astronomy lover 📡. I owe a lot of my knowledge to Carl Sagan 🔭.
- 🖱️🖥️ Involved in technology since childhood. 🎮🕹️ and 🎬🎥 fan (talk me about Interstellar...).
- 💡 Looking for changing-world projects. Particularly when VR & AR are involved.
- 🧠 Currently studying Deep Learning and Machine Learning subjects.