This project contains 3 directories:
- client - Typescript React app
- server - Node.js backend
- device - c++ app
App was bootstrapped with Create React App with TypeScript support.
Used libraries:
This is a simple REST backend which is storing new measurements received from the weather station and provides results to the client app.
Used libraries:
Weather station is running on NodeMCU microcontroller. Currently, it's powered by a USB charger. I will consider powering it with 18650 batteries or a power bank in the future. Of course, the board will be soldered soon to get rid of these wires.
- BME 280 - pressure, temperature and humidity sensor
- DHT22 - temperature and humidity sensor
Just go to
Both frontend and backend are hosted on MyDevil which is Node.js hosting solution. The frontend app is automatically built and deployed by Github action on each code push.
[ ] Better time measuring (millis instead of delay?) [ ] sleep between measurements