- When the repo is successfully cloned, run
npm install
in the IDE terminal and it will install all the dependencies automatically. - Again, in terminal, run
npm start
to run an auto updated server on http://localhost:5000. - To use the database, you need to use MongoDB Compass, download MongoDB community server from When set, click connect and you should be good to go.
- Set file structure.
- User sign up and login functionalities.
- Implementation of password encryption.
- Session tokens are now active.
- Logout functionality implemented.
- Printing the username of the logged in user in the home page.
- Admin functionality using AdminBro has been implemented.
- Possibility to add admins from admin page.
- Predefined admins.
- Restricting unauthorized users from accessing admin page.
- Add link to admin page for admins in home page.
- Replacing birthdate with age groups.
- Adding gender.
- One-Email-One-User implemented.
- Signin and singup pages created.
- Transition from Handlebars to EJS.
- Database updated with gender and age groups fields.
- Fetch geolocation of client.
- Gender validation using JavaScript.
- Add default "Select range" in age group options.
- Use RegEx in backend.
- Use Ajax to display error without refreshing the page or submitting the form.
- Username validation.
- Password validation.
- Email validation.
- Signin form validation.
- Flashing errors in frontend.
- Fetching geolocation fixed. Updates in database.
- Style age group selector.
- Gender validation fixes.
- Create home page.
- Home page styling.
- Ability to edit user's username, password and email.
- Showing errors from backend in the frontend in edit page.
- Realtime browser warnings about invalid inputs in username, email and password.
- Fix geolocation. Now saves to session directly. No more strange redirects.
- Add overlay forms when user opts to change username, email or password.
- Styling 404 error page.
- Styling 500 error page.
- Create separate JS files for different functionalities instead of being at the end of the HTML code.
- Directly logout users who delete their account.
- Connect button in homepage redirects to sign-in page if user is not logged in.
- Fetching geolocation through AJAX request, so no need for a full page and forms.
- Create overlay "get started" form which pops up when user is new to the platform.
- Create separate JS files for different functionalities instead of being at the end of the HTML code.
- Directly logout users who delete their account.
- Connect button in homepage redirects to sign-in page if user is not logged in.
- Fetching geolocation through AJAX request, so no need for a full page and forms.
- Create overlay "get started" form which pops up when user is new to the platform.
- Used to get only user country code. Now the country code, country and city are fetched using openstreetmap api.
- Use Axios to get request from openstreetmap api.
- Use latitude and longitude to get client's precise location.
- Allow users to add their interests in the getstarted form.
- Allow users to edit their interests.
- Allow users to delete their interests.
- Fixes in return res.json() in several files.