Hello, I'm İsmail, a software developer with 4 years of experience, primarily focused on JavaScript technologies. I have a fast and open-to-learning style, staying updated on new technologies. My expertise spans both Frontend and Backend development, with a goal of becoming a Full Stack Developer.
I have a keen interest and proficiency in Go (Golang) for Backend development, enabling the creation of robust and high-speed web applications. On the Frontend, I prefer Next.js to build SEO-friendly and performance- driven websites, aiming for an optimal user experience.
In my career, I aim to leverage my experiences, passion for learning, and tech interests in contributing to successful projects.
🔭 I’m currently working on Nextjs - React - Express - Golang
🌱 I’m currently learning **TypeScript , React , React Native , Next Js , Node Js , Go **
💬 Ask me about React
📫 How to reach me ismbct12@gmail.com
My Project: