Hello there, welcome to my repository! This project is for implementing Machine Learning Model that i've done. The aim of this project is to make a website that can predict user's desired house or real estate in Banglore, India. You can check my repo here to elaborate how i got the model. Basically this website has several input form related to the house criteria.
- Implemented flask as an inference process.
- Used JavaScript Fetch API to get the prediction.
- Implemented Single Page Application.
You can use this repository by clone it and make sure you have installed python (3.11) in your machine. Don't forget to make your python environment and install all the requirements.txt.
python -m venv env # Create env
env\Scripts\activate # Activing env
pip install -r requirements.txt # install all of the depedencies
To run the website you can run the python file (run.py).
python run.py