This SDK uses composer.
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
For more information on how to use/install composer, please visit:
To install the PHP sdk into your project, simply
$ composer require paynl/sdk
If you don't have experience with composer, it is possible to use the SDK without using composer.
You can download the zip on the projects releases page.
- Download the package zip (
- Unzip the contents of the zip, and upload the vendor directory to your server.
- In your project, require the file vendor/autoload.php
- You can now use the SDK in your project
The PHP SDK works on php versions 5.6 or higher, and requires the php curl extension.
Set the configuration
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Replace tokenCode apitoken and serviceId with your own.
Get available payment methods
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$paymentMethods = \Paynl\Paymentmethods::getList();
Start a transaction
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$result = \Paynl\Transaction::start(array(
// required
'amount' => 10.00,
'returnUrl' => Paynl\Helper::getBaseUrl().'/return.php',
// optional
'currency' => 'EUR',
'exchangeUrl' => Paynl\Helper::getBaseUrl().'/exchange.php',
'paymentMethod' => 10,
'bank' => 1,
'description' => 'demo betaling',
'testmode' => 1,
'extra1' => 'ext1',
'extra2' => 'ext2',
'extra3' => 'ext3',
'products' => array(
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'een product',
'price' => 5.00,
'tax' => 0.87,
'qty' => 1,
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'ander product',
'price' => 5.00,
'tax' => 0.87,
'qty' => 1,
'language' => 'EN',
'ipaddress' => '',
'invoiceDate' => new DateTime('2016-02-16'),
'deliveryDate' => new DateTime('2016-06-06'), // in case of tickets for an event, use the event date here
'enduser' => array(
'initials' => 'T',
'lastName' => 'Test',
'gender' => 'M',
'birthDate' => new DateTime('1990-01-10'),
'phoneNumber' => '0612345678',
'emailAddress' => '',
'address' => array(
'streetName' => 'Test',
'houseNumber' => '10',
'zipCode' => '1234AB',
'city' => 'Test',
'country' => 'NL',
'invoiceAddress' => array(
'initials' => 'IT',
'lastName' => 'ITEST',
'streetName' => 'Istreet',
'houseNumber' => '70',
'zipCode' => '5678CD',
'city' => 'ITest',
'country' => 'NL',
// Save this transactionid and link it to your order
$transactionId = $result->getTransactionId();
// Redirect the customer to this url to complete the payment
$redirect = $result->getRedirectUrl();
On the return page, redirect the user to the thank you page or back to checkout
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$transaction = \Paynl\Transaction::getForReturn();
//manual transfer transactions are always pending when the user is returned
if( $transaction->isPaid() || $transaction->isPending()){
// redirect to thank you page
} elseif($transaction->isCanceled()) {
// redirect back to checkout
On the exchange script, process the order
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$transaction = \Paynl\Transaction::getForExchange();
if($transaction->isPaid() || $transaction->isAuthorized()){
// process the payment
} elseif($transaction->isCanceled()){
// payment canceled, restock items
// always start your response with TRUE|
echo "TRUE| ";
// Optionally you can send a message after TRUE|, you can view these messages in the logs.
echo ($transaction->isPaid() || $transaction->isAuthorized())?'Paid':'Not paid';
Please run vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/
to test the application