Releases: it-is-me-mario/MARIO
Parsing functions error fixed
Recent pandas versions have changed the way they interpret "None" in DataFrames indices and values, which are currently interpreted it as NaN. This mario update fixes the issue by replacing NaN with the string "None" when parsing excel files.
Deprecated functions
Parser for old-fashioned Eurostat SUTs is deprecated. This function relied on peculiarly structured SUTs formats. In case you need to parse such SUTs, please rearrange them into the standard MARIO format. You can check the MARIO format from 'SUT.xlsx' file in the mario/test directory in this repository.
What's Changed
- To excel fix bug fixed in flow model
- new figaro donwloader to opt for the new table release
Bug fixes in installation and
Bug fixes on FIGARO_SUT_parser
Release History
v 0.3.0
New functionalities are provided to allow the user to change some naming convensions in mario indexing and input-output nomenclature convensions in mario.
Isard to Chenery-Moses Transformation
The transformation implies moving from trades accounted in the USE matrix to trades accounted in the SUPPLY matrix.
Data Templates
New functionalities are added to create an enpty IO/SU tables from tabular data.
Figaro Parser
New download and parsing functionalities are added to parser figaro database.
Table Downloader
Donwload functions are added to the software. Some of the download functions are using pymrio database download functionalities, and some other databases are mario exclusive.
Deprecated functions
is_productive and backup methods are deprecated.
* The add_sector function imprvements are implemented to make the code faster.
* Updating dependencies versioning (specifically pandas, numpy and xlsxwriter)
* The tutorials are updated to improve the readiblity and quality of the juputer notebook functionalities.
* New templates for the readthedocs.
README bugs fixed
v0.2.1: Merge pull request #65 from it-is-me-mario/dev
Minor bugs in V0.2.0 Fixed
New Release of mario with new features, and improved performance!
What's Changed
- Pymrio integration by @mohammadamint in #14
- Unit test features
- Unifying Exiobase parser functions
- new get_data function with improved functionality
- Documentation update
- Parse eurostat improvements
- Parse EORA SUT
- Bugs fixed
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v2.0.0
Update README.rst
MARIO v0.1.0
Initial release