In order to get your time score, replace the comments with your code for each section.
start_indexing_time = time.time()
Insert indexing functionality
end_indexing_time = time.time()
start_retrieval_time = time.time()
Insert retrieval functionality
end_retrieval_time = time.time()
In order to use the given evaluation class please go through the following stages:
cd <project directory>/evaluator/trec_eval.9.0
cp trec_eval ../
chmod +x ../trec_eval
The metrics we will use are:
- nDCG@20
- Precision@5
- Precision@10
In order to check your results with the metrics above you can use the code below:
from evaluator.evaluate import Eval
evaluation = Eval(trec_file, qrels)
- trec_file - Path to scores file
- qrels - Path to relevance judgement file
- Results of evaluation will be written in a file named "results_of_retrieval"
query-id Q0 document-id 1 score hackathon
For example:
- 750 Q0 GX261-61-14975000 1 0.333 hackathon
- 750 Q0 GX261-70-6119593 1 0.311 hackathon
- ...
- ...
Important Note - results file should be sorted by query - id(ascending), score(descending), document-id(descending).
The file is located at data/qrels.gov2_train.all