Fuzzybear is a JavaScript library for fuzzy string search with a special focus on short strings. It is designed to use multiple string distance functions (including custom) but by default it uses a combination of Jaro-Winkler and Jaccard string distances. The former favours matches from the beginning of a string, while the latter splits the string into tokens and analyses those. Together these provide a reasonable performance for most cases, but the library allows the user to customise the methods and parameters for searching.
is the primary method used for searching. It accepts either a string array or an object. array where
each element contains a key label
let matches = [ 'Identical', 'Identifier', 'dentical', 'Dental', 'dentist', 'different' ]
// OR
let matches = [
{ label: 'Identical', id: 's0' },
{ label: 'Identifier', id: 's1' },
{ label: 'dentical', id: 's2' },
{ label: 'Dental', id: 's3' },
{ label: 'dentist', id: 's4' },
{ label: 'Different', id: 's5' },
fuzzybear.search( 'Identical', matches )
You can also restrict the number of results returned:
fuzzybear.search( 'Identical', matches, { results: 3 })
fuzzybear.score( 'prism', 'contact' ) // => 0
fuzzybear.score( 'prism', 'prism' ) // => 1
fuzzybear.score( 'prism', 'unpristine' ) // => 0.56
You can pass custom methods and/or use one of the implemented methods in fuzzybear. You can also specify certain method parameters to override the method's behaviour. For example, you can use a minimum of 3 letter substring matches in the Jaccard search method to ignore matches with less than 3 letters.
fuzzybear.search( 'Identical', matches, {
methods: [
name: 'jaccard',
params: { n: 3 } // Minimum ngram length
You can also pass a custom scoring function to the search method. The function takes 3 parameters: the search term, the target string and the method parameters. The function should return a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is a perfect match (meaning the string distance is 0).
fuzzybear.search( 'asd', [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], {
methods: [
name: 'match-all',
function: function( _a, _b, _params ){
return 0.36
fuzzybear.search( term, matches, options ) // Perform a fuzzy string search across a list of elements.
fuzzybear.score( term, match, options ) // Perform a fuzzy string distance of two strings.
* @param {Number} options.results - Number of results to return. Defaults to 0 - all elements distanced
* @param {String} options.labelField - Field to search against. Defaults to "label"
* @param {Boolean} options.caseSensitive - Whether to perform a case sensitive match. Defaults to false
* @param {Number} options.minScore - Minimum score of matches to be included in the results
* @param {Object[]} options.methods - Which methods to use when scoring matches
* @param {String} options.methods[].name - Search algorithm name
* @param {Object} options.methods[].function - A custom search algorithm function. The function takes
* @param {Number} options.methods[].weight - Search algorithm weight in scoring
* @param {Object} options.methods[].params - Search algorithm parameters
- Search methods that support longer text and using a tokenised approach (and maybe even re-using the standard string distance methods).
- Support for string pre-processors
- UTF-8 to ASCII conversion for symbols like:
- Metaphone conversion
All code and documentation are licensed under the MIT license, although permission is not granted for using this code as a sample data for training machine learning networks.