This project is a job scheduling framework with center less structure, easy to scale up. We can customize the workflow DAG and schedule it.
- WebUI: Frontend files are in a separate project written in vue, please visit flink-platform-frontend.
- Platform Instance: The instance for manage, configuration and scheduling workflow, easy to scale.
- HDFS: Used to store resource files, such as jar, udf, etc.
- Mysql: Holds all info about jobs, users, resources, schedules, etc. To keep the system simple, I plan to use mysql to guarantee fault-tolerance.
Flink sql/jar, deployment mode: YARN-Per-Job(tested), Other(untested).
Shell (tested).
SQL(ClickHouse/Mysql/Hive/TiDB tested).
Condition(tested, support: AND, OR).
More: I don't have enough time to develop multi type task support, but implementing a new task type is easy, sometimes you can do it yourself or tell me your needs.
Table Name | Description |
t_alert | Alert configuration |
t_catalog_info | Flink catalog configuration for FlinkSQL, modify in the future |
t_job | Job info |
t_job_flow | Job flow info, workflow definition |
t_job_flow_run | Job flow execution instance |
t_job_run | Job execution instance |
t_resource | Resources info, such as: jar, file, etc. |
t_user | login user info |
t_user_session | login user session info. |
t_worker | Worker node instance info. |
t_datasource | Store datasource info, such as: clickhouse, mysql, etc. |
Refer to: create table statements
# clone the project
git clone
# enter the project directory
cd flink-platform-backend
# compile
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
# start within docker
docker-compose up -d --build
# hadoop conf dir of the cluster where the job running on
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/data0/app/dw_hadoop/yarn-conf
# start project
nohup java -Xms4g -Xmx4g -jar flink-platform-web-0.0.1.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Apache-2.0 license.