A solution for mass pushing of receipts to cash registers
It's useful if you do not want to buy and set up physical cash registers
If you need to to punch a large number of checks
Just generate receipts in JSON based on uploaded data files from your client bank and send them to cloud cashiers
Nothing will be lost thanks to logging of all actions and humanreadable reports in excel
- parses uploaded files from client banks:
- extracts data and generates receipts in
- automatically pushes receipts to the API service Ferma OFD.RU
- generates
on submitted documents - detailed
of all operations -
sent packages and log files - works in
production and sandbox
modes depends on config file
; exclude organisations list for parser
pathExcludeOrgList = ".\exclude.txt"
; basic receipt template
pathReceiptTemplate = ".\receipt.json"
; main package processing queue folder
dirQueue = ".\queue"
; compressed packages folder
dirZip = ".\zip"
; input - source user's txt files
dirSource = "..\_source"
; output - result reports for users
dirReport = "..\_report"
; ferma api auth
uri = "https://ferma-test.ofd.ru/api/Authorization/CreateAuthToken"
login = "login"
password = "password"
; actual token updated from server
pathAuthTokenJson = ".\token.json"
; ferma api push
uri = "https://ferma-test.ofd.ru/api/kkt/cloud/receipt"
2020-11-27-170911 current config file: debug.ini
2020-11-27-170911 script D E B U G mode enabled
2020-11-27-170911 will be used ferma-test api
2020-11-27-170911 ------------------------------
2020-11-27-170911 auth token: f4ea525c-5d3e-4b77-8b64-168ad9cb2dbe
2020-11-27-170911 new package name: 20201127-170911-34
"mode": "debug",
"source": ".\\queue\\20201127-170911-34\\source",
"package": ".\\queue\\20201127-170911-34",
"report": "..\\_report\\20201127-170911-34",
"zip": ".\\zip",
"filescount": 1,
"name": "20201127-170911-34",
"files": [
"result": ".\\queue\\20201127-170911-34\\result"
2020-11-27-170911 package 20201127-170911-34 processing...
2020-11-27-170911 > source file: ОСБ0_1receipt_HUMAN.txt
2020-11-27-170911 > file type: BankStatementSber
2020-11-27-170912 > docs counter human/other/total: 1/1/2
2020-11-27-170912 > receipts count: 1 preparing...
2020-11-27-170912 > receipts count: 1 prepared
2020-11-27-170912 pushing all receipts...
2020-11-27-170912 > file: ОСБ0_1receipt_HUMAN.txt
2020-11-27-170912 > pushing count: 1 receipts...
2020-11-27-170912 > receipts pushed success/error/total: 1/0/1
2020-11-27-170912 > sum success/error/total: 2612/0/2612
2020-11-27-170912 > duration: 0:00:00,1625701
2020-11-27-170912 > !SUCCESS
2020-11-27-170912 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2020-11-27-170912 total statistics for package: 20201127-170911-34
2020-11-27-170912 receipts pushed success/error/total: 1/0/1
2020-11-27-170912 sum pushed success/error/total: 2612/0/2612
2020-11-27-170912 duration: 0:00:00,1625701
2020-11-27-170912 !SUCCESS TOTAL :)
2020-11-27-170912 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2020-11-27-170912 compressing package...
2020-11-27-170912 package moved from the queue folder
2020-11-27-170913 package zipped 2.7939453125 Kbite .\zip\20201127-170911-34.zip
2020-11-27-170913 calculate and saving reports...
2020-11-27-170913 done
2020-11-27-170913 -
Дата время;Порядковый №;Сумма;Чек отправлен (1-да, 0-нет);ID чека внутренний;ID чека внешний (ferma OFD)
27.11.2020 17:09:12;000001;2612;1;20201127-170911-34@20201127-170912-11@000001;0f2bc370-01f3-4af1-a03b-52d45b7701b7
Файл;Отправлено чеков;Не отправлено чеков;Всего чеков;Отправлено сумма;Не отправлено сумма;Всего сумма
#@debug mode@#