Colorplus.js is a lazy option for those who want to print colored logs without learnning any other lib.
npm install colorplus
console.log("Welcome".green, "To".bggreen, "Color".yellow, "Plus".red, "modules".bgblue.cyan);
console.log("This is ", "Color".red, "Plus".yellow, "Test");
Change the background color by prefix "bg"
console.log("Background".bggreen, "color".bgcyan, "test".bgyellow);
Use operator+ to avoid extra spaces in console.log
console.log("Background".bggreen + "color".bgcyan + "test".bgyellow);
Mix color and bgcolor
console.log(" ~ WARNING COLOR ~".bgred.yellow);
You may use colorplus.js to produce ansi color code.
var cp = require("colorplus").enable();
console.log(cp.bggreen, "Background", cp.bgcyan, "color", cp.bgyellow, "test", cp.r);
console.log(cp.bggreen + "Background" + cp.bgcyan + "color" + cp.bgyellow + "test" + cp.r);
console.log(cp.bgred, cp.yellow, " ~ WARNING COLOR ~", cp.r);
Only when you don't want colorplus adds attributes to your String :
var cp = require("colorplus");
console.log("This is", cp.yellow, "Color",, "Plus", cp.r, "Test");
Copyright(C) 2013 PG @ SENSE Lab
This project is distributed under the MIT License.
- (Done) I'm planning to apply the function to String.prototype. So you may use String("test").red to color it.
- DarkColor (document not ready yet)
- CustomCode (document not ready yet)
Feel free to improve this module by give me suggestion or pull requests.