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A SIMPLE SVG framework.

the dali philosophy: don't abstract the SVG DOM. SVG is here to stay, let's use the power of Javascript to make SVG work.

dali.js is validated in google chrome, and occasionally in firefox.

dali.js is not jsMinn'ed. I don't have a problem with jsMin, but if you want to do it, do it yourself.

Using dali.js

First create an svg environment:

surface = dali.SVG(parentdomobject, width, height);

You may then begin to create appropriate primitives inside this environment. Pass primitives a single object With the expected SVG attributes as a hash.

c ={cx:0, cy:0, r:50});
p = surface.path({d:pathtext});
g = surface.g();
r = g.rect({x:0, y:0, width:50, height:50});
t = g.text({x:0, y:0});
t.text = "hi mom";


Dali implements useful shortcuts:

attributes can be directly accessed without using jQuery's $().attr = newx; = newy;
c.rx = newr;

it's also possible to do some removing.

r.remove();  // is the same as...  g.removeChild(r);
g.clear(); // removes all children
surface.clear(); //nukes everything

when to use jQuery (not included!)

I suggest using jQuery to make formatting changes. You can also use stylesheets, in the expected fashion.


I suggest using jQuery to do flashy things.

$(c).animate({cx:newpos}, time);  //yes this works even though it's not in a 'style' attribute!
$(c).animate({opacity:newval}, time);
$(c).animate({rotate:10}, time);
$(c).mousedown(function(event){alert("hi mom!");};


you may set an object's master transform as follows (use dali math, as seen below):

t.applytransform(dali.matrix("translate", dx, dy));

you can alternatively use the following animateable transformations. Note these are applied AFTER the master transform. Base object -> scaling -> rotation -> translation.

t.scale = scaling;
t.rotate = rotation;
t.dx = dx;
t.dy = dy;

again, jQuery can be used to do flashy things.



Code Reference

dali general objects and methods


(singleton of object Dali): main object encapsulating the library namespace.

dali.SVG(parent, [width, height,] id, cl)

create an <svg> tag in the DOM, imbue it with width and height in the inline style, and it should have id id and class cl.

dali.create(parent, tag)

create a tag in the DOM attached to parent. Also attaches "svgparent" member to this tag which corresponds to top level svg tag which contains this tag. Usually this function will be automatically called.

dali math objects

dali math objects require at least one instance of dali.SVG running to properly function.


creates an SVGPoint object corresponding to (x,y)

dali.rect(left, top, right, bottom)
dali.rect(point1, point2)

creates an SVGRect object corresponding to (left, top, right, bottom) or the rect bounded by (point1, point2)

dali.rrect(left, top, width, height)
dali.rrect(point1, width, height)

creates an SVGRect object corresponding to (left, top, left + width, top + height). compare to dali.rrect()

dali.matrix("translate", x, y)
dali.matrix("scale", s)
dali.matrix("scale", x, y)
dali.matrix("rotate", t, x, y)
dali.matrix("skew", "x", s)
dali.matrix("skew", "y", s)
dali.matrix("skewx", s)
dali.matrix("skewy", s)
dali.matrix("flip", "x")
dali.matrix("flip", "y")

creates an SVGMatrix object. Passing nothing results in the identity; passing a matrix copies the matrix, all other commands require passing a string descriptor (or two in the case of axis-dependent transform) plus values.

dali prototype modification methods

dali contains special commands that are used to 'brand' class prototypes with certain attributes.

dali.brandTransform(obj, transformation, val)
dali.brandAccessor(obj, name, val, nonnumeric)
dali.brandByArray(obj, array)

brandTransform is intended to imbue an SVGElement object with the ability to use animateable transform. brandAccessor brands an object with svg accessors. brandByArray takes an array of svg accessor definitions and brands them.

SVGPathElement, SVGCircleElement, SVGEllipseElement, SVGImageElement, SVGRectElement, and SVGTextElement are all branded with accessors corresponding to their svg properties.

dali.makeCreator(obj, tag)
dali.makeCreatorByArray(obj, array)

generates a method in obj which creates a child element creating the named tag. obj is going to be the SVGGElement and SVGSVGElement. MakeCreatorByArray allows the mass assignment of methods by passing an array of strings.


clears the group or svg element of all of its children.


mapped to SVGTextElement.prototype.textContent


shortcut for this.parent.remove(this)

SVGElement.prototype.applytransform(transformation, clobber)

Applys a transformation to the non-animateable transformation stack.


Calculates the real bounding box of the object relative to the parent SVG object. Also overrides the prototypes for left, top, right, bottom, width, and height values.

SVGElement.prototype.setdrag(ondragend, ondragmove, ondragstart)

Assigns the ondragend, ondragmove, and ondragstart methods for any given svg element.


lightweight jQuery svg engine






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