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Prep: Engineering Readings

Sérgio Charruadas edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

What’s the one thing I bring to this career (and a potential employer) that nobody else can?

As an IT Professional I believe I can bring a unique perspective and approach to problem-solving that sets me apart from other candidates. My experience in life, curiosity and willingness to explore different approaches to reach a solution allow me to think outside of the box and come up with creative solutions to complex problems. Also, my passion for cybersecurity and my eagerness to learn also make me an asset to any potential employer.

What are 3 things I’ll start doing to “un-stick” myself whenever I get stuck on tough piece of code, logic, or feature?

  1. Take a break: Sometimes stepping away from the problem and coming back with fresh eyes can help you see things from a new perspective. I know that from my brother who is a Full Stack Developer and has these moments too. Next day he realizes how easy it was to solve the issue.
  2. Collaborate with others: Asking for help and surrounding yourself of people that know more than you will always be useful to “un-stick” myself out of these situations.
  3. Break it down: Buying a rubber duck and explaining the code to it by breaking it down in small pieces and saying it out loud can make wonders, it was amazing when it happened to me the first time.

Things I want to know more about

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