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Read: Class 39 ‐ SQLi with Burp Suite, WebGoat

Sérgio Charruadas edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 1 revision

Based on the following articles:

Understanding SQL Injection, Identification and Prevention

What is SQL injection?

SQL injection is an attack technique where a malicious user injects SQL commands into input fields of a web application, in order to gain unauthorized access to a database. The attacker's SQL code gets executed along with the legitimate SQL queries issued by the web application.

Can you give an example of how a hacker could use SQL injection to gain unauthorized access?

For example, if a web application has a user login page that constructs an SQL query like this:

sql = "select * from users where username ='" + username + "' and password ='" + password + "'"

An attacker could enter the following as the username:

' or '1'='1

This will result in the full SQL query becoming:

select * from users where username='' or '1'='1' and password= ''

Which will return all user records, allowing the attacker to gain access.

What are some ways to prevent SQL injection attacks on a web server?

  • Use parameterized queries or stored procedures instead of concatenating user input into SQL strings.

  • Validate, sanitize and escape all user input. Remove malicious characters.

  • Enforce least privileges for database users. Restrict access only to required data.

  • Implement a web application firewall with SQL injection detection rules.

  • Monitor database logs for anomalous queries that indicate possible SQL injection attempts.

  • Keep database drivers and software up to date with the latest security patches.

Things I want to know more about

I would like to know more about other database vulnerabilities - SQL injection is just one type of database attack. I would like to expand my knowledge to cover other common vulnerabilities like XXE injection, NoSQL injection, blind SQL injection, etc.

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