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Read: Class 34 Forensics Investigation with Autopsy

Sérgio Charruadas edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Based on the following articles:

What is computer forensics?

What are the main differences between computer forensics and cybersecurity?

  • Cybersecurity focuses on preventing cyber attacks and breaches by implementing security systems and protocols. It's about keeping hackers out.

  • Computer forensics focuses on investigating breaches after they happen. It analyzes digital evidence to determine how the breach occurred and to recover data. It's a reactionary field.

What are the six stages of a computer forensics examination?

  1. Readiness - Ensuring the team is prepared and has the proper equipment, processes, and training
  2. Evaluation - Assessing the details of a specific case and identifying risks
  3. Collection - Gathering digital evidence from devices and systems
  4. Analysis - Analyzing the gathered evidence to determine what happened and who was responsible
  5. Presentation - Reporting findings to organizations and law enforcement
  6. Review - Evaluating the investigation process to identify improvements for the future

Things I want to know more about

Ethical considerations and legal frameworks Since computer forensic analysts often work closely with law enforcement and handle sensitive data, there are important ethical and legal concerns in this field. Knowing more about how computer forensic work aligns with privacy laws, data protection regulations, and ethical guidelines for investigators would be valuable.

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