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Prep: Practice in the Terminal

Sérgio Charruadas edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 9 revisions

Quick summary of Ryan's Linux Tutorials

The Command Line - What is it, how does it work and how do I get to one.

From the Command Line, I learned about the basics of navigating and accessing the Linux directory system and various file manipulation techniques. The Linux command line, or terminal, is a text interface for executing commands to complete specific tasks. Although challenging, it offers efficient ways to perform recurring tasks such as renaming files or cloning hard drives.

Basic Navigation - An introduction to the Linux directory system and how to get around it.

The Linux directory system is crucial for navigating and manipulating files and folders. Navigation in the system is based on paths, including absolute and relative paths. Commands like cd, pwd, ~, and - are used for accessing different levels of the directory system. This skill is essential for anyone working with Linux.

More About Files - Find out some interesting characteristics of files and directories in a Linux environment.

Linux operates under the principle that everything is a file, including directories, processes, sockets and pipes. The Linux file system does not differentiate between a file and a directory, with the latter being a file containing the names of other files. Unlike other operating systems, Linux is extensionless, case-sensitive and allows spaces in file names. Additionally, Linux includes hidden files and directories, marked with a dot at the beginning of the name, which is not displayed in regular listings.

Important Code Snippet I Always Forget:

Escape Characters Another method is to use what is called an escape character, which is a backslash ( \ ). What the backslash does is escape (or nullify) the special meaning of the next character.

cd Holiday\ Photos pwd /home/ryan/Documents/Holiday Photos

Manual Pages - Learn how to make the most of the Linux commands you are learning.

The Manual Pages topic showed me the importance of referring to the guides that the tool authors made to explain the usage of said tool. Using these guidelines, I effectively navigate and utilize Linux commands through their manual pages. Accessing the manual page for a given command is easy; just prefix the command with man followed by a space and the command you want to look up.

File Manipulation - How to make, remove, rename, copy and move files and directories.

The Linux File Manipulation topic is vital in learning to work with Linux. It covers various essential skills, such as creating, deleting, renaming, copying, and moving files and directories.

Cheat Sheet - A quick reference for the main points covered in this tutorial.

The Linux Cheat Sheet can act as a quick reference for the main points covered in the tutorial.

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