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Dotfiles used on my Arch Linux development PC. The configuration files can be "installed" using GNU Stow. This blog post gives a nice overview of how GNU Stow works its magic on the dotfiles: Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles.

Assuming you have the stow program installed (sudo dnf install stow on Fedora), you can tell Stow to symlink dotfiles using the command stow $PKGNAME.

For example, to link the .bashrc included in this repo:

git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
stow bash

A number of the configurations have additional dependencies. The table below lists dependencies grouped by application.

Application Dependencies
bash ctags, evince, ffmpeg, rkhunter, valgrind, vim, xrandr
fish apvlv, pacman, ffmpeg, valgrind, neovim, xrandr
git nvim
i3 awesome-terminal-fonts, brightnessctl, chromium, compton, dmenu, feh, i3lock, i3status, lm_sensors, pulseaudio, xorg-xinput
neomutt apvlv, feh, khard, pass, w3m
neovim clang, cmake, npm, ripgrep, shellcheck
xinit i3, x11