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sierpinski is a Linux only application that renders the Sierpinski triangle in your terminal. This implementation takes the Chaos Game approach to generating the triangle.


To build the project locally, you will need the following libraries and tools installed:

  • CMake3.27+
  • C++ compiler supporting C++20 features
  • Doxygen
  • Ncurses Developer Libs

To build, change directory to scripts/linux/ and run

After a successful build, you will find the binary installed to sierpinski/bin/.

Program Usage

Below is the program usage message that can be seen by running sierpinski --help:

usage: sierpinski [OPTION]...
an ncurses rendering of sierpinski's triangle
	-i, --max-iterations	max number of simulation iterations (default 10000)
	-r, --refresh-rate	delay between iterations in microseconds (default 100)
	-h, --help		print this help page

You can control the speed at which the generation occurs using the --refresh-rate option. The --max-iterations option allows one to specify how many points are generated in total.

Doxygen Docs

This project is documented using Doxygen. Doxygen docs are built automatically by the Linux build script. Docs can be found under sierpinski/docs/html/.