Reproducer project for Emerge Tools Performance Analysis incompatibility.
Component | Version |
Android Gradle Plugin | 8.1.1 |
Kotlin | 1.8.21 |
Android Studio | Android Studio Hedgehog 2023.1.1 RC 1 |
- Not necessarily need to match, but just in case any incompatibilities are encountered.
Performance analysis tasks are not registering to the application project.
Set the following property to true
plugins {
id("") version "2.1.1"
emerge {
performance {
// Note that this is the relative path from the rootProject
$ ./gradlew :app:emergeGeneratePerformanceProject --package <package name>
Sync project.
$ ./gradlew :app:tasks
Expected registered tasks:
Emerge tasks
emergeLocalDebugTest - Installs and runs tests for debug on connected devices. For testing and debugging.
emergeLocalReleaseTest - Installs and runs tests for release on connected devices. For testing and debugging.
emergeLocalSnapshotsDebug - Generate snapshots locally for variant Debug. Requires a device or emulator connected.
emergeUploadDebugAab - Builds and uploads an AAB for variant debug to Emerge.
emergeUploadDebugApk - Builds and uploads an APK for variant debug to Emerge.
emergeUploadDebugPerfBundle - Builds & uploads an AAB for variant debug to Emerge with performance test APK.
emergeUploadReleaseAab - Builds and uploads an AAB for variant release to Emerge.
emergeUploadReleaseApk - Builds and uploads an APK for variant release to Emerge.
emergeUploadReleasePerfBundle - Builds & uploads an AAB for variant release to Emerge with performance test APK.
emergeUploadSnapshotBundleDebug - Builds and uploads a snapshot bundle to Emerge. Snapshots will be generated on Emerge's cloud infrastructure and diffed based on the vcs params set in the Emerge plugin extension.
Actual registered tasks:
Emerge tasks
emergeLocalSnapshotsDebug - Generate snapshots locally for variant Debug. Requires a device or emulator connected.
emergeUploadDebugAab - Builds and uploads an AAB for variant debug to Emerge.
emergeUploadDebugApk - Builds and uploads an APK for variant debug to Emerge.
emergeUploadReleaseAab - Builds and uploads an AAB for variant release to Emerge.
emergeUploadReleaseApk - Builds and uploads an APK for variant release to Emerge.
emergeUploadSnapshotBundleDebug - Builds and uploads a snapshot bundle to Emerge. Snapshots will be generated on Emerge's cloud infrastructure and diffed based on the vcs params set in the Emerge plugin extension.
It appears the Emerge Tools Performance Analysis feature is incompatible
with configuration on demand
gradle feature.