Tool to generate json or csv files based on generic definitions Example of a definition:
"number": ["number", 100],
"string": ["string", 3],
"string-with-range": ["string-range", 3, 8],
"string-with-placeholder": ["placeholder", "hello-*-test", 100],
"random-from-collection": ["take-random", ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]]
Example of one of the items generated from this definition: in json:
"number": 47,
"string": "cVU",
"string-with-range": "Bq2jO4t",
"string-with-placeholder": "hello-96-test",
"random-from-collection": "second"
in csv (order of columns is lexicographical order of keys in a definition hashmap)
81 third AXq hello-69-test Z05jhpup
This tool was developed during an evaluation of different storage options for a completely unrelated project. I needed to generate a big amount of data to compare query times on big data sets.
If you have lein
, you can run the app without building a jar
file. Use ./bin/generate
script with parameters.
Otherwise, you can use an already built jar
file in the build
java -jar data-gen
and pass supported params.
- -f -- path to a file with definition (see section "Definitions" for more details)
- -d -- name of a definition from the definitions file based on which data should be generated
- -n -- into how many output files random output data should be split (useful when generating GBs of data)
- -s -- size of a single output file in MBs (useful when generating GBs of data)
- -o -- csv or json output format
- -u -- path to an output folder
- -h -- show help
Generate 10 files, each of size ~5 GBs based on an "employee" definition from "some-definitions.json" file and put results into ./output
java -jar data-gen.jar -f some-definitions.json -d employee -n 10 -s 5000 -o json -u ./output
Generator value types and parameters are specified as tuples in a definition.
Example of a definition file that contains one main
"main": {
"number": ["number", 100],
"string": ["string", 3],
"string-with-range": ["string-range", 3, 8],
"string-with-placeholder": ["placeholder", "hello-*-test", 100],
"random-from-collection": ["take-random", ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]]
- number -
["number", inclusive-upper-boundary]
- string -
["string", length-of-random-string]
- string-range -
["string-range", min-chars-in-string, max-chars-in-string(inclusive)]
- placeholder -
["placeholder", string-with-single-start-placholder, max-placeholder(inclusive)]
- take-random -
["take-random", array-with-items-from-which-to-pick]