Hi, I am a Software Engineer focused on Web Development.
4 years ago I started making fullstack applications for private, international companies. Mainly using [PostgreSQL | MongoDB], Express, React and Node.js. Why this stack? Well, because Typescript is awesome, popular, easy and flexible.
My principal responsibilities have been to automate tasks and central processes, crucial for business logic. To organize, save and protect data using relational and no-relational databases. Generate reports(back to front) for helping users, managers and CEOs to take decisions, applying techniques for increasing performance, and creating beautiful, readable and interactive components.
One of my goals is to create awareness about how much important technologie is, not just for companies, but to the world in general. And teach companies why they need to delegate effort to computers and not to humans, this way we can take adventage of every person's talent.
Lenguages: Javascript | ==Typescript==
Cloud Provider: AWS.
DevTools: Docker, Git.