I'm Ivan Kerin, a software developer.
A few open source projects I'm happy to mention I've authored
- 🦝 calendar-todo - A quick little project to test out what's new in backend/frontend land - fly.io, prisma, fastify, rtk-query, vite, etc.
- ⭐ potygen - an sql parser written in pure TypeScript, as well as prettier extension for automatic formatting of queries, vscode for intellisense, allowing you to skip ORMs and happily write raw SQL queries, taking care of validation and TS type generation for any level of complexity. Nested queries, complex joins and common table expressions are supported.
- ⚞ laminar - a pure TS framework based on koa, but written in functional programming style, with automatic type generation for api endpoints based on OpenAPI schemas, as well as kafka connections with avro type generation.
- 👁️🗨️ rd-parse - recursive decent parser library for parsing various syntaxes into AST. Powerful enough to write grammar for SQL.
- 🍦vanilla-teuxdeux - a case study of how one could write a full featured frontend single page app without any frameworks or dependencies. With virtual dom, redux and nice code separation.
- 🤓 rpsls - Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - A React & Redux app, built with create-react-app and hosted at firebase. It was made to practice those technologies in a greenfield project and as a task given in a recruitment process.
- 🚀 rocketsized - A database of Orbital Launch Vehicles, used as a playground for me to learn elixir and phoenix. Going https://rocketsized.com/ allows one to generate a poster of all the rockets in the world, compared by size.
I'm a european residing in India and working for Fluent Health.