A powerful tool for applying configurations
, which can be used in conjunction
with terraform
provides open-source automation that reduces complexity and runs everywhere.
Using Ansible lets you automate virtually any task
Eliminate repetition and simplify workflows
Manage and maintain system configuration
Continuously deploy complex software
Perform zero-downtime rolling updates
- When starting the nodes, you must enable ssh on the node
service ssh start
- Install package
in nodes
ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a "update_cache=yes name=git state=present"
- Remove package
in nodes
ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a "update_cache=yes name=git state=absent"
- checkout in repository
ansible -i hosts all -m git -a "repo=https://github.com/ivsonv/provision-terraform-iac dest=/root/terraform-repo"
- full informations the node
ansible -i hosts node_ansible -m setup