This is the place where I open source stuff and break things 🤣
- 🔭 I’m currently building MoniGO 😉 (In Development)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Go, System Design and Japanese 😉
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to Golang/Distributed Arch/Cloud Computing/Migrations
I am a back-end developer with 2+ years of experience developing enterprise applications and open-source software.
All of my projects are released as open-source on GitHub:
- MoniGO - MoniGo is a performance monitoring library for Go apps, offering real-time insights into service-level and function-level metrics. An intuitive UI enables developers to track and optimize performance. Get your Go app's dashboard up in just 10 seconds! Get more information about this project on Product Hunt
In my free time, I write articles on Medium about software engineering and share my knowledge and experience with others. Learning by doing and sharing with others is the best way to learn.
I create most of my open-source projects to solve the challenges I encounter in life, with many more still waiting to be addressed.
- Cardiovascular disease prediction using classification algorithms of machine learning - International Journal of Science and Research 9 (5), 194-200
- Different sorting algorithms comparison based upon the time complexity - International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews, 114-121