Generic React context selector HOC
npm i with-context-selector
Singular context selector:
import { withContextSelector } from 'with-context-selector'
const foo = { x: 1, y: 2 }
const FooContext = React.createContext(foo)
// context can have a displayName
FooContext.displayName = 'FooContext'
const ConnectedFoo = withContextSelector(
// FooContext triggers Foo rerender only when x prop is updated
() =>
({ x, y }) => ({ x }),
function Foo({ x, z }: { x: number; z: number }) {
return <div>{x + z}</div>
// ConnectedFoo requires only z prop, x prop is provided by context
const App = (
<FooContext.Provider value={foo}>
<ConnectedFoo z={3} />
Multiple context selector:
import { withContextSelector } from 'with-context-selector'
const foo = { x: 1, y: 2 }
const bar = 'bar'
const FooContext = React.createContext(foo)
const BarContext = React.createContext(bar)
const ConnectedFooBar = withContextSelector(
[FooContext, BarContext],
() => (foo, bar) => ({ foo: foo.x, bar }),
function FooBar({ foo, bar }: { foo: number, bar: string }) {
return <div>{String(foo) + bar}</div>
const App = (
<FooContext.Provider value={foo}>
<BarContnext.Provider value={bar}>
<ConnectedFooBar />
Passing props to selector:
import { withContextSelector } from 'with-context-selector'
const foo = { x: 1, y: 2 }
const FooContext = React.createContext(foo)
const ConnectedFoo = withContextSelector(
// Extra props for selector and resulting component
({ select }: { select: 'x' | 'y' }) =>
(props) => ({ x_or_y: props[select] }),
function Foo({ x_or_y, z }: { x_or_y: number; z: number }) {
return <div>{x_or_y + z}</div>
// ConnectedFoo requires only z prop, x prop is provided by context
const App = (
<FooContext.Provider value={foo}>
{/* will render: 4 */}
<ConnectedFoo select={'x'} z={3} />
{/* will render: 5 */}
<ConnectedFoo select={'y'} z={3} />