- Ecosystem
- User Story
- Start up the Enterprise Wallet
- Technological overview
- Demostration
- License
- Trademark
identfy is a combination of various products that enable the user-centric solutions. identfy is an implementation of the Self-sovereig identity (SSI) approach based on the standards defined by the W3C for Verifiable Credentials (VC) and Decentralized Identifiers (DID). Based on those standars identfy implements:
- Holder: we provide a non-custodial Wallet which is available at Holder Wallet.
- Issuer and Verifier: both of them are entities so, we provide for them an Enterprise Wallet composed by the following components:
- identfy Entity backend An administration platform for managing your entity's configuration.
- identfy Entity service A microservice that provides an interface for the Entity manager and executes most of the operative.
- identfy OpenID library A library that implements OpenID protocolos: OpenID4VCI and OpenID4VP.
- Verifiable Data Registry: we use Trusted Lists or Distributed Ledger Technology DLT / Blockchain networks.
Following, there are listed the main functionalities that can be executed at identfy - we are working on it so, currently some of them are not implemented:
- Onboarding of Entities and Holders: the generation of cryptographic keys and DIDs.
- Request a Credential to an Issuer and receive the Verifiable Credential.
- Issuance of Verifiable Credentials
- Share a Credential with a Verifier.
- Verify Credentials presented by a Holder.
The required files to start up a Enterprise Wallet instance are located at the docker folder. At that folder you can find the following files:
- .env.example: a configuration file where you have to introduce the PUBLIC_URL that you will use for your Enterprise Wallet. If you want to start up it locally, you can introduce the localhost value. You have to rename or copy this file as .env
- docker-compose.yaml: the configuration file required to start up the Enterprise Wallet.
Once you have a file .env where you have defined the URL for your Enterprise Wallet, the next step is executing the following commands.
cd docker
docker compose build
docker compose up
Once you have executed this command, you will have an instance of your Enterprise Wallet running.
You can read about the technical specification at Tech Overview
You can find some screenshots of identfy components at the demostration document. Also, you have a complete demostration video there.
This software is dual-licensed; you can choose between the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3 (AGPL-3.0) or a commercial license. Look at LICENSE file for more information.
identfy and its logo are registered trademarks of Izertis