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Versioned LRU Cache (Cache with invalidation support)

Short description/ summary

Versioned_lru_cache_with_ttl is a decorator that can provide versioned lru caching of function return results.

By being provided with an invalidation function that can determine if the cached return results have gone stale, the function wrapper will either return the cached value or rerun the function and return and re-cache the new results in the case of stale cache.

The idea is that recalculating the work of the function is costly, but there is a much "cheaper" invalidation function that can tell us when work needs to be redone.

The decorator factory (versioned_lru_cache_with_ttl) also expects being passed a proxy to a mutable mapping, this proxy should provide a "fresh" version of the mapping per session. Ex. here being the g request context object used by the Flask web framework. This allows to calculate the invalidation/ version only once per session and can make the caching even more efficient.


There a quite a few caveats I want to cover here but I will leave those for the section bellow.

The general idea here is that we have some time consuming work that takes place however there is a much less costly way we can determine if the output of this has gone stale.

When a requester attempts to access the output of the work we can cheaply check if it actually needs to be redone or just return the cached work output.

Additionally we this "version" of the work that is being calculated is also being cached on the session object which we expect to be provided by the user of the caching decorator.

The assumption here is that consistency/ atomicity is expected with in the duration of the session, so even the calculation of a version/ check if the work output is invalidated is only done once per session.

As a more concrete example, we can imagine a Flask Webframewok app:

  • First flask request handler receives an HTTP request from a client

  • As part of the handler the function that needs to do the "expensive" work gets called since the output of its work is needed to process the request

  • Because the function has been decorated with the versioned LRU decorator first we check if version/ invalidation calculation has been made already and stored on the global request context "g"

  • If the version is already on the request context we know that the "expensive" work output that is cached can just get returned because we have already check for invalidation for this request

  • If the version is not available on the request context object "g", we run the versioning/ invalidation function

  • If the cache is not invalidated as a result of the version check we can just return the work output that is already cached

  • If the work output is invalidated the function that does the "expensive" work is ran and its output is cached, and finally the now update and recached work output is returned

           │    │
           │    │
           │    │
      │                │
      │Flask           │
      │WebFramework    │
      │request handler │
      │                │
      │                │
      │  Caching       │
      │  Decorator     │
      │                │
│                           │
│    Get cached             │
│ version from requet       │         xx
│ context or recalc         │       xx  xx             ┌──────────────────┐
│  the version.             │     xx      xx           │                  │
│                           │   xx          xx         │  Redo expensive  │
│  Aka is existing work     ├─►x  Redo work?  x──Yes──►│  work/ calc.     │
│  output invalidated, do   │   xx          xx         │  Return new      │
│  we need to redo the      │     xx      xx           │  work output     │
│  expensive work           │       xx  xx             │                  │
│                           │         xx               └────────┬─────────┘
│                           │         │                         │
└───────────────────────────┘         │                         ▼
                                      │                ┌──────────────────┐
                                      │                │                  │
                                      │                │                  │
                                      │                │  Cache new work  │
                                     No                │  output          │
                                      │                │                  │
                                      │                └────────┬─────────┘
                                      │                         │
                                      │                         │
                                      │                         │
                                      │                         │
                                      ▼                         │
                            ┌────────────────────┐              │
                            │                    │              │
                            │   Return cached    │              │
                            │   work to Flask    │              │
                            │   which forwards   │◄─────────────┘
                            │   to client        │
                            │                    │

Intended usecase and caveats

There is a lot to be said for the overuse of caching in software engineering as opposed to structurally fixing systems too often is caching used as a bandaid.

There is of course plenty of valid use cases for caching, I am just not entire sure there is one for this specific implementation.

The way that this module of code got created was as a prototype of a possible solution to a work problem. The reality was that along side it I had a some number of other solutions this one being the least preferred IMO.

Here are some alternatives:

  • Can the work output be periodically recalculated by an async task. Is the use case fine with eventual consistency.

  • Can work output instead simply be cached on an external system ex. Redis or even application operational DB. Can work execution to redo the output be triggered by some event signifying a state change and/ or invalidation as opposed triggered by the client request.

We could keep going with possible alternative solutioning here however the point is that a specific use case should drive solution choice and optimization, that is after all the actual discipline of engineering, be it only software in this case.

While the use case was not there for me the proto. was too close not to do something with it, frankly the project setup and all this narration took longer that the actual programming.

So if happen to:

  • Need to check for invalidation on some session request

  • The work output can not be eventually consistent

  • Want to return the work output as soon as possible even avoiding external systems and network request lag

  • You are OK with an occasional requester getting penalized with a longer processing time as a trade off that other requesters get almost instant results from the cache

  • You want atomicity of the state of the work output across a request/ session

Well then you might possibly have a use case for this peculiar cache implementation!

How to setup

To setup for development:

make dev-install 

To build for distribution:

make build 

To run tests (pytest), python type check (mypy) and linting (flake8):

make test

To run live Flask-example/ test:

make test-example

To format all code (black):

make format

To get any outstanding to-dos in code (Marked with "# TODO:"):

make todo

To clean up all build artifacts and dev envir. leaving only repo:

make clean

To properly begin your day:

make hello

Copy-pastable quick start code example

import random
from typing import Any

from versioned_lru_cache import versioned_lru_cache_with_ttl

g: dict = {}  # Fake global context for testing

def test_gen_version(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
    return str(random.randint(0, 1000000000000))

def test_function_we_want_to_cache(test: Any = None) -> str:
    # Some very heavy computation or database query here
    print("Doing heavy work! aka. test function body is executing.")
    return 'This is the result of the "heavy" work.'

def main() -> int:
        "Call one no params",
        "Call two no params",
        "Call three test=1 as params",

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

Extended example with Flask

Look in: examples/