currently the app use pi/pi for remote login and saves the config under /tmp on the remote host
- on the pi side runs a golang daemon
- plug the pi per ethernet in the network with a dhcp server
- this tool sends a broadcast, and the golang daemon reponds pi's name and dhcp address
- when a pi is selected, the current configuration are read and displayed
- the configuration can changed, and pushed to the remote pi.
main% grep -r -E 'TODO|FIXME' src
src/main/scala/picfg/Scanner.scala: //FIXME: broadcast address: doesn't work under FreeBSD - why?
src/main/scala/picfg/config.scala: // FIXME: this go's under /etc/wpa_supplicant/
src/main/scala/picfg/config.scala: // FIXME: this go's under /etc/network/interfaces.d/picfg-wlan0
src/main/scala/picfg/Remote.scala: // FIXME: add timeout -> session.connect(timeout)!
src/main/scala/picfg/Remote.scala: //FIXME: bad!!!
src/main/scala/picfg/PiCfg.scala: // FIXME: app configuration
src/main/scala/picfg/elements.scala: // TODO: new DefaultListCellRenderer{ ... } triggers compile-time error - why?:
src/main/scala/picfg/elements.scala: //FIXME: scrolling per mouse not possible!
src/main/go/picfgd.go: // FIXME: check msg
src/main/go/picfgd.go: // FIXME: use the eth0 ip - currently it use the first found ip