- Document the environment built for our development and production
- Everything is in container
- Standard Kubernetes Base Deployment
- Ubuntu behind Firewall/ Proxy
- Install Kubernetes behind Firewall
- Create custom docker image
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- Install Nexus
- Istio serviceMesh and alternative registry to gcr.io
- My thoughts on Kubernetes and DevOps
- Rotate Kubernetes Client Cert/ Key
- Kubernetes Capacity & Workload Consideration
- Kubernetes Production Cluster Build and Operation
- Nginx HA & LB with KeepAlived
- HAproxy and keepAlived with Kubespray
- Docker Swarm cluster
- Gitlab integration with OpenLDAP
- Gerrit integration with Gitlab and OpenLDAP
- Jenkins integration with OpenLDAP
- Portainer, monitoring of docker cluster
- OpenProject
- Zabbix, monitoring of all components
- Grafana, a UI of Zabbix
- PlantUML Editor in Atom
- Gitlab on K8S
- Ansible Deployment Workflow
- argoCD
- Linux Kernel Tuning
- Environment Common Settings for Security, Docker, etc
- Let's Encrypt
- OpenVPN Basic Setup
- OpenLDAP, with StartTLS Setup
- OpenLDAP integration with OpenVPN
- Secure phpLDAPadmin with Apache2
- Nginx Forward & Load-Balancing
- hans icmp/ ping tunneling
- PiVPN setup
- Post-install of Linode
- WireGuard
- Xray with VLess
- OpenSSL with Kubernetes