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reachable network scan, tool to scan your network give you how many device , mac vender and ip address in the network ,have two way to scan ping scan and arp scan , have option to change your mac address droing the scan

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reachable network scan

"Scapy Not use in reachable Tool Scan use 'raw socket'"

  • writen by pyhton3 ,help to discover the hosts devices on the Network , have two ways to get the host on network Ping scan and arp scan, ,by start reachable will regex you host info and your network subnet.

Change Mac Option -

  • For Scan with change host mac Use root Login or sudo privileges
  • reachable allow user to change the host mac address with option -M/--Mac set to true
  • user can use this option with ping-scan or with arp-scan
  • if the interface have ip address with 'DHCP' the host ip address with change as well
  • after scan finish the Mac address and the ip set to real mac and previous ip

ping Scan -

  • Ping scan by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request packets to the target host and waiting for an ICMP echo reply.
  • User, can ping all network subnet ,or rangs of ips ,or one host.
  • reachable tool , will get the mac-addess info , and mac-vendor as well.
  • downbelow the part of response about generate the host ip for all subnet mask ,then send echo ping request ,one by one ,then wating for response ,and use regex to mach the mac-address and print the mac-address and mac-vendor
for Host in Network .hosts():
    Host = str(Host)
    DisCover = Popen(["ping", "-w1",Host], stdout=PIPE)
    output   = DisCover.communicate()[0]
    respons  = DisCover.returncode                       
    if respons == 0:
       Hcount  +=1	
       if Host == host_ip:
          print(Y+I+D+"[+] HOST OnLine     --------------| ",host_ip)
            print(B+I+D+"[+] HOST OnLine     --------------| ",Host)      
       if self.args.output :
           printF = str("[+] HOST OnLine     --------------|  " + Host).strip()
           with  open (self.args.output,"a") as out_put :
       pid = Popen(["arp", "-a", Host], stdout=PIPE)
       arp_host = pid.communicate()[0]                          
       Mac_arp = str(arp_host)
       Macaddr = re.compile(r'(?:[0-9a-fA-F]:?){12}')
       Mac = str(re.findall(Macaddr ,Mac_arp)).replace("['",'').replace("']","")
           if "no match found" in Mac_arp and str(ipaddress.ip_address(Host)) ==  str(ipaddress.ip_address(host_ip)) :
              print(Y+D+I+"[*] Mac-Address     ..............|-",Mac_Interface)
              if self.args.output :
                 printF = str("[*] Mac-Address     ..............|- "+Mac_Interface).strip()
                        with open (self.args.output,'a') as out_put :
           interfaceMac = Mac_Interface[0:8].replace(":","").upper() 

arp Scan -

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

  • for arp scan i use python socket module to generate raw socket.
  • send arp request and receiving arp replay raw working in network layer2.

raw socket

Another very useful socket type is SocketType.Raw, which is used by applications that need to build custom protocol headers encapsulated in the given transport protocol header, which in our case can either be an IPv4 arp protoco,raw socket is created by creating a Socket object and specifying either IPv4 or IPv6, SocketType.Raw, and the Protocol Type .
  • python socket tutorial
  • arp protocol
  • more info
  • downbelow the part of the code working in raw socket , send the raw data to the Network broadcast after pack the data to raw bytes ,and received arp replay , then unpack raw data ,then slice ip header data ,then print the info
for Host in Network .hosts():
    Host = str(Host)
    rawSocket = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW,socket.htons(0x0806))                     
    source_ip  = bytes(host_ip.encode('utf-8'))
    dest_ip    = bytes(Host.encode('utf-8'))
    if dest_ip == source_ip :
        Hcount  +=1	    
        print(Y+D+I+"[+] HOST OnLine     --------------|  " + Host)
        print("[*] Mac-Address     ..............|- " + Mac_Interface)
        print("[+] Mac-Vendor      --------------|  " + vendor+'\n')
        if self.args.output :
            printF += str("[+] HOST OnLine     --------------|  " + Host).strip()+'\n'
            printF += str("[*] Mac-Address     ..............|- " + Mac_Interface).strip()+'\n'
            printF += str("[+] Mac-Vendor      --------------|  " + vendor).strip()+'\n'
            printF +='\n'
        interfaceMac = Mac_Interface[0:8].replace(":","").upper()
         source_mac = binascii.unhexlify(Mac_Interface.replace(":",''))
         dest_mac   = b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
         protocol   = 0x0806
         eth_hdr    = struct.pack("!6s6sH",dest_mac,source_mac,protocol)
         htype      = 1
         ptype      = 0x0800
         hlen       = 6
         plen       = 4 
         operations = 1
         src_ip  = socket.inet_aton(str(source_ip).replace("'","").replace('b',""))
         des_ip  = socket.inet_aton(str(dest_ip).replace("'","").replace('b',""))
         arp_hdr = struct.pack("!HHBBH6s4s6s4s",htype,ptype,hlen,plen,operations,source_mac,src_ip,dest_mac,des_ip)
         Packet         = eth_hdr + arp_hdr
             send_packet    = rawSocket.send(Packet) 
             recv_replay    = rawSocket.recv(1020)

how to use

  2. cd reachable
  3. chmod +x
  4. show help message ./reachable -h

* Example ping scan :-

* To Scan all Subnet Use -PN <network/prefix>

   ./ -PN -I eth0

* To Scan range of ips Use -PN network/prefix -S Start -E end

   ./ -PN -S 240 -E 254 -I eth0

* To Scan one Host Use -PH host ip

    ./ -PH -I eth0
  • or
    ./ -PH -I eth0

* To Save the output into file Use -O file name

     ./ -PN -S 240 -E 254 -O report.txt

* Example arp scan-:-


- For arp Scan Use root Login or sudo privileges

- to use -I or --Interface use ifconfig to make sure that any of the interface are available

- all report generate by the tool from the scan will be store in the Scan-store folder

* To Scan all Subnet Use -AN network/prefix -I Interface

     sudo ./ -AN -I eth0 

* To Scan range of ips Use -AN <network/prefix> -S Start -E end

    sudo ./ -AN  -I eth0 -S 240 -E 254 

* To Scan one Host Use -AH host ip

     sudo ./ -AH -I eth0
  • or
    sudo ./ -AH -I wlan0

* To Save the output into file Use -O file name

  sudo ./ -AN  -I eth0 -S 240 -E 254 -O report.txt

Scan with Change Mac :-

  sudo ./ -PN  -I eth0 -M true
  sudo ./ -PN  -I eth0 -M true -S 200 -E 254 -O report.txt
 sudo ./ -AN  -I eth0 -M true
 sudo ./ -AN  -I eth0 -M true -S 200 -E 254 -O report.txt

connect :


reachable network scan, tool to scan your network give you how many device , mac vender and ip address in the network ,have two way to scan ping scan and arp scan , have option to change your mac address droing the scan






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