A command line tool (and Node module if you so desire) to turn a .svg
file into an Elm module.
Usage: svg-to-elm <command> [options]
svg-to-elm.ts parse Parse an SVG to Elm
--version Show version number [boolean]
-f, --file The SVG to parse [required]
-o, --output The destination to write to [required]
-m, --module-name The name of the Elm module [required]
--elm-version The version of Elm to use [0.18 or 0.19]. This
is passed to elm-format if you use it.
--elm-format-path The path to Elm format, if you would like the
code run through it
-h Show help [boolean]
svg-to-elm parse --file foo.svg --output Foo.elm --module-name Foo
Huge thanks goes to the creator of https://levelteams.com/svg-to-elm for the initial idea and approach - I've just wrapped it up in a command line module!