Paragraph is a module to create paragraphs in your content. You can create bundles(with own display and fields) as paragraph types.
When you add a paragraph field to your node/entity, you can select the allowed bundles, and when using the field, you can select a paragraph type from the allowed bundles to use different fields/display per paragraph.
This module module might be considered a clone of field_collection (on which it is based), but this module has some advantages:
- Different fields per paragraph bundle
- Using different paragraph bundles in a single paragraph field
- Displays per paragraph bundle
Bundles are exportable with features.
- Install this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at
Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:
- Steven Jackson (
- Ported to Backdrop CMS by Steven Jackson (
- Originally written for Drupal by .VDMi (
- Original Maintainer on Jeroen Bobbeldijk (
- Original Maintainer on Miro Dietiker (
- Original Maintainer on Sascha Grossenbacher (
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.